Client Download Method (Other than automatic update)
- Quark Netdisk: https://pan.quark.cn/s/fe8bb34c77bc
- Join community: https://yuanshen.site/docs/community.html
- Baidu Netdisk (Key: KYJG): https://pan.baidu.com/s/1t_FRadAiGHGxw1YvvWt0bg
- Chinatelecom Cloud(Access code:exn0):https://cloud.189.cn/t/YF7Fj2zIRVbi
- Automatic update window does not appear? https://support.qq.com/products/321980/faqs-more/?id=102055

Rc1.0.1: 2025-01-15
- Fix a NORMAL issue where unable to return to the game via shortcut
- Fix a NORMAL issue where unable to activate Pinned Window Mode
Rc1.0.0: 2025-01-14
- Update engine version to 2021.3.20f1c1
- Change base framework, now uses YooAsset+HybridCLR to implement hot-updates for long-term support
- Improve overall fluency
- Probably add a bunch of bugs
- Notice: This version can not be updated through the updater, please redownload the full package.
beta5.2.4: 2024-12-4
- Fix a RARE issue that may cause a blank screen where double-clicking on Region Select button
- Fix a RARE issue that may cause the malfunction of Location Tracker after reporting errors when downloading and decompressing
- Fix a NORMAL issue that may cause a save error so that the program cannot exit
- Fix a NORMAL issue that may cause the Location Tracker setting to OFF when enabling Location Tracker via shortcut
- Fix a NORMAL issue that may cause the "Switch Map Display" text overlaps with the item when searching for items on other maps
- Fix a NORMAL issue where the startup screen scales incorrectly
- Marker Settings has a new option "Show 'Found' pin detail only when pressing MMB" (that is "Lock 'Found' Pins")
- Separate UI scaling from map scaling, and increase the zoom range
- Improve displaying/hiding logic of base map elements when scaling UI
beta5.2.3: 2024-12-1
- Fix a RARE issue where refresh time format error may cause item count 0/0
- UI scaling optimizations to fit Portrait Screen
- Refactor UI scaling logic, now adjusting UI scaling will zoom map elements as well
beta5.2.2: 2024-11-24
- Fix a RARE issue where login error may cause item count 0/0
- Fix a RARE issue in Pin Wizard where pin abnormally disappears when clicking on other pins after clicking on pin belonging to the same group
- Fix a NORMAL issue that may cause shortcut UI unclickable and animation error
- Label color optimizations for pins belonging to current layer in Multi-Layered Mode, which is now the same as in the game
- Icon style optimizations on icons without icon
- Add text for Tecoloapan Bay area
beta5.2.1: 2024-11-20
- Fix a RARE issue where app can not be used in new environment
- Fix a NORMAL issue in "Multi-Region-Selection Mode" and "Show Items Not Belonging to Current Map" Mode that may cause the filter be filled up with non-current map items while focusing on non-current map items and deselecting the current map
beta5.2: 2024-11-20
- Update 5.2 map and resources
- Fix an EPIC issue that may cause save malfunctioning
- Fix an EPIC issue that may cause Offline Mode malfunctioning
- Fix a RARE issue that may cause the size of textbox of the pin popup abnormal
- Fix a NORMAL issue that may cause log-in SFX playing unexpectedly
- Fix a NORMAL issue that may cause island switching function malfunctioning in 2.8 Golden Apple Archipelago area
- Fix a NORMAL issue where deselecting items while pin popup opened may cause pin to be in the topmost layer
- Add a secondary confirmation popup before clearing all selected items
- Item Preset
- Item Search
- Multi-Region-Selection
- Show Items Not Belonging to Current Map
- Item Spotlight
- Item Focus
- Item Context Menu
- Right-Click Region to Focus
- I18N options for startup screen
- SFX options for startup screen
- Judgement logic optimizations on Selected Item List
- Mouse Prompt optimizations, now only refresh the prompt duration if the mouse prompts are the same
- Execution efficiency optimizations on scrolling components
- UI animation optimizations on region selection, item type selection and item selection
- Window scrolling efficiency optimizations, now it will not get stuck no matter how many items being selected
- Data structure optimizations to improve efficiency
- Garbage Collection (GC) call optimizations to improve efficiency
- FX performance optimizations
- Camera scaling optimizations when clicking on UI
- Item Progress Bar UI performance optimizations
- Settings UI logic optimizations
- Cave judgement logic optimizations
- A bunch of BUG features