Client Download Method Other than auto updateQuark Netdisk:Join community:Baidu Netdisk Access code: KYJG:Chinatelecom Cloud Access code: exn0:Automatic update window does not appear?
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May no bug be with you.
For Hot Update Logs, please check Hot Update Log
::: timeline Rc1.0.1: 2025-01-15Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where unable to return to the game via shortcut.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where unable to activate Pinned Window Mode.
::: timeline Rc1.0.0: 2025-01-14Update engine version to 2021.3.20f1c1.Change base framework, now uses YooAssetHybridCLR to implement hot-updates for long-term support.Improve overall fluency.Probably add a bunch of bugs.Notice: This version can not be updated through the updater, please redownload the full package.
::: timeline Beta5.2.4: 2024-12-04Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause a blank screen when double-clicking on Region Select button.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause the malfunction of Position Tracker after reporting errors when downloading and decompressing.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause a save error so that the program cannot exit.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause the Position Tracker setting to OFF when enabling Position Tracker via shortcut.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause the "Switch Map" text overlaps with the item when searching for items on other maps.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the startup screen scales incorrectly.Add a new option "Show 'found' pin detail on middle click only" that is "Lock 'Found' Pins".Separate UI scaling from map scaling, and increase the zoom range.Improve displaying/hiding logic of basemap elements when scaling UI.
::: timeline Beta5.2.3: 2024-12-01Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where refresh time format error may cause item count 0/0.Optimize UI scaling to fit Portrait Mode.Refactor UI scaling logic, now adjusting UI scaling will zoom map elements as well.
::: timeline Beta5.2.2: 2024-11-24Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where login error may cause item count 0/0.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue in Pin Association where pin abnormally disappears when clicking on other pins after clicking on pins belonging to the same cluster.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause shortcut UI unclickable and animation error.Optimize label color for pins belonging to current layer in Multi-Layered Mode, which is the same as in the game now.Optimize icon style for icons without icon.Add text for Tecoloapan Bay region.
::: timeline Beta5.2.1: 2024-11-20Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where app can not be used in new environment.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that, in Multi-Region-Selection Mode with Show Items Outside Current Map Mode enabled, focusing on a non-current-map item and deselecting the current map may cause the filter to exclusively display non-current-map items.
::: timeline Beta5.2: 2024-11-20Update map and resources for version 5.2.Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue that may cause save malfunctions.Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue that may cause Offline Mode malfunctions.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause abnormal sizing in pin popup text boxes.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause audio distortion during login.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that causes island switching failures in the 2.8 Golden Apple Archipelago region.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where deselect items when pin popup is opened may cause pin to be in the topmost layer.Add a secondary confirmation popup before clearing all selected items.Add Item Preset.Add Item Search.Add Multi-Region Mode.Add Show Items Outside Current Map Mode.Add Item Spotlight.Add Item Focus.Add Item Context Menu.Add Right-Click Region to Focus.Add new I18N options for startup screen.Add SFX options for startup screen.Optimize judgement logic for Selected Item panel.Optimize tooltip behavior to only refresh display duration when tooltips with identical content are triggered.Improve performance across all scrollable components.Optimize UI animations for region selection, category selection, and item selection interfaces.Improve scrollable window performance to prevent frame drops no matter how many items being loaded.Optimize data structures to improve operational efficiency.Improve performance by optimizing Garbage Collection GC calls.Optimize visual effects performance during map transitions.Optimize camera zooming behavior during UI interactions.Improve Item Progress Bar UI performance.Optimize layout management logic in the settings interface UI.Optimize cave entrance detection logic.Add a bunch of BUG features.
::: timeline Beta5.0.2: 2024-09-23Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue where Relation Type errors may cause item state refresh failures, resulting in Item Count displays as 413/812.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where Auto Switch Multi-Layered Map may not work.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where Region Filter Sorting may not work properly.New Directional Related, Unidirectional Path, Bidirectional Path type are now available in the Pin Association.Add a new option for Windows Graphics Settings in Position Tracker to facilitate deactivate windowed-game optimization.
::: timeline Beta5.0.1: 2024-08-28Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where the pin hidden state of some layers might be incorrect.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the DLL version translation may not apply.
::: timeline Beta5.0: 2024-08-28Update map and resources for version 5.0.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where resource version may be -1.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the scrollbar of the pin popup might not be able to be dragged.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where some text changes might not take effect immediately when switching languages.Optimize I18n language reselection logic.Improve webp format support for images.Improve FX performance when switching item types.
::: timeline Beta4.8: 2024-07-17Update map and resources for version 4.8.
::: timeline Beta4.7.2: 2024-06-25Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where deselecting pins may deselect multiple times causing pins to disappear directly.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where cave entrances may be affected by opacity settings when opening for the first time.
::: timeline Beta4.7.1: 2024-06-17Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where data read exception may cause item count reports 413/812.
::: timeline Beta4.7: 2024-06-17Update some basemap text.Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue where the program may not operate after forcing exit and reopening when activating Overlay Mode.Optimize Selected Items panel, now items with the same name will be merged.Optimize I18n language reselection logic.
::: timeline Beta4.6.3: 2024-05-04Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where some pin popups may unable to open when activating Auto Switch Multi-Layered Map.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where you may unable to close pin popup by clicking the Close button.
::: timeline Beta4.6.2: 2024-05-01Update Position Tracker for Sea of Bygone Eras.Update some layered maps.Change some basemap text positions.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where status restoration may restore other items with the same name.Add a {%= LEPIC %} feature, Auto Switch Multi-Layered Map. When enabled, clicking on pins will automatically switch to corresponding layer.Add new option "Show Cave Entrances in Multi-Layered Mode" in Settings.Optimize Save Rollback, with the addition of data cleaning and date selection, the program may not get stuck with too much data nowOptimize Tooltip, now middle click can also open POI details, so you can check POI details on middle click while editing the canvas
::: timeline Beta4.6.1: 2024-04-24Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where Dragonspine region may incorrectly displayed as Veluriyam Mirage.
::: timeline Beta4.6: 2024-04-24Update map and resources for version 4.6.Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue where Position Tracker may not be able to enable when the location tracking version update server crashes.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where SFX may be abnormally stuttering when enabling Position Tracker.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue which may cause data error on very few items.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue which may cause Show Cave Entrances in Multi-Layered Mode malfunctioning.Add a {%= LMYTH %} feature, Pin Association. This feature benefits in tracking and selecting pins by connecting pins with relations. Moreover, related settings are added, and pin relations can be auto-triggered once configured.Optimize redirection logic for some web links.Optimize pin rendering behavior at high map zoom levels.
::: timeline Beta4.4.4: 2024-02-27Fix a {%= LEPIC %} issue that may cause Position Tracker download failures.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue which may cause Overlay Mode errors when Graphic Settings are set to Borderless in-game.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue which may cause Run in Offline Mode and Exit button malfunctions after three download failures.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue which may cause Position Tracker update detection error.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue which may cause tooltip text to detach from prompt window.Optimize Location Tracker's version selection UI. Moreover, a marker is added to the downloaded version.Optimize UI tips for some long text.
::: timeline Beta4.4.3: 2024-02-22Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause a mismatched announcement is displayed when clicking an announcement.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause a resetting failure in opened but hidden pins.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause items with item count 0/0 not to display.Add a control slider for Opacity of "Found" Pins.Add a option for switching the state of The Tower of Ipsissimus.Add a control slider for Opacity of Hidden Teleport Waypoints.Add text for layered map in Chenyu Vale region.Add shortcut settings for switching Multi-Layered Mode and Show/Hide "Found" pins setting to "None" by default.Add chest collection progress bar.Add focus tooltips for most scrollbar controls.Optimize Announcement interface, an entry is added, and supports hyperlinks now.Optimize font texture for clearer display.Optimize pin popup by attaching images externally. Moreover, text scrolling logic is enhanced and text can be dragged by left-click.
::: timeline Beta4.4.2: 2024-01-31Update map and resources for version 4.4.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause data update exception.
::: timeline Beta4.4.1: 2024-01-31!!Update map and resources for version 4.4.!!
::: timeline Beta4.4: 2024-01-31!!Update map and resources for version 4.4.!!Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause other pins with the corresponding ID to not be selected simultaneously after selecting a Teleport Waypoint.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue which selected Teleport Waypoints may not be properly transparentized when enabling Multi-Layered Mode.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause accidental Teleport Waypoint activation when clicking on pins.Optimize selecting status of Teleport Waypoints.Optimize display behavior for overlength pin titles.Optimize display behavior of overlength text in pin popups.Add Announcement system.
::: timeline Beta4.2: 2023-11-08Update map and resources for version 4.2.Fix a {%= LEPIC %} issue that may cause the item selection state to not be correctly restored during login/logout. And when Multi-Layered Mode is enabled, the Cave Entrance will automatically display upon restarting the map after deactivating "Show Cave Entrances in Multi-Layered Mode".
::: timeline Beta4.1.2: 2023-10-20Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause the application stuck during data updates.
::: timeline Beta4.1.1: 2023-10-12Optimize the size scaling of the layer switch button.Optimize filtering logic of underground area pins, allowing pins to be filtered based on underground levels.Improve version switching logic of Position Tracker.
::: timeline Beta4.1: 2023-09-27Update map and resources for version 4.1.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause text overflow in certain languages in Settings.
::: timeline Beta4.0.2: 2023-09-12Backend update to support the new version. Older versions will no longer be supported.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause image misalignment of Mountain Cavern: F2.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the Waverider Waypoint in Fontaine may be missing.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause two layered maps to be in the incorrect underground layer in Dharma Forest.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause certain pins to immediately refresh after being selected. !!uncertain whether it is fully resolved!!
::: timeline Beta4.0.1: 2023-08-18Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where certain items may not show or hide properly .Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause abnormal refresh time for mineral pins.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where two Fontaine region may appear simultaneously on the map.
::: timeline Beta4.0: 2023-08-16Update map and resources for version 4.0.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue: When restart the Map after selecting an item containing both Chest and other items, deselecting one of these items may cause this item can not be reselected.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause abnormal visibility of Cave Entrances.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause abnormal refresh time for mineral pins.
::: timeline Beta3.8.1: 2023-07-08Update Position Tracker for 3.8.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause the data update speed to freeze at 0 kB/s.Add an auto-save prompt when exiting the Map.
::: timeline Beta3.8: 2023-07-04Update map and resources for version 3.8.
::: timeline Beta3.6.4: 2023-04-18Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause Japanese place names to display incorrectly.
::: timeline Beta3.6.3: 2023-04-17Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause inherent pin interactions to block higher-level pins.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may prevent returning to the game via shortcuts when the game is running in Fullscreen Mode.
::: timeline Beta3.6.2: 2023-04-16Fix a {%= LEPIC %} issue that may cause the mouse not to be captured by the game when returning to the game in Overlay Mode.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where map may not disappear properly in Overlay Mode.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where some Teleport Waypoints may incorrectly appear in other maps after data update.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where data update popup may not close properly after data update.Optimize the hotfix resource download logic to significantly reduce the size of subsequent update packages.Add an option for the return-to-game shortcut configuration in Settings.
::: timeline Beta3.6.1: 2023-04-15Update Layered Map of Girdle of the Sands and some Layered Map of Dharma Forest.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause some item counts to display unusual values e.g., 413/812 when not logged in.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause the map to switch to non-fullscreen mode after exiting and re-opening the map in Fullscreen Mode.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause the text of Vourukasha Oasis not to display.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the \Tugini Hollow\ layer not to display as the final version.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause a series of pre-existing and post-issues in Overlay Mode.Remove Auto Oculus.Add an option to clear the tracking cache.
::: timeline Beta3.6: 2023-04-12Update map and resources for Girdle of the Sands.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause border effect incorrectly displays in non-Teyvat areas.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the boundary effects may be in the incorrect layer when switching areas.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where other items in Chest category can not be deselected after selection.Optimize touch screen adaptation.Change application icon.Update installer.
::: timeline Beta3.5: 2023-03-06Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause the opacity of underground and aboveground pins to not switch properly after data update.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where the font outline of base map may not render properly.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the status of Teleport Waypoints may not be saved.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where download progress may reset during re-downloading after closing the Position Tracker download window.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause abnormal animation behavior when re-completing download after clearing the download cache.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue: When exit and re-open Map during data download, data may display as a negative number when a re-download starts.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause the oculus popup window to be larger than others.Optimize the reset logic for filter options.Improve shader performance for boundary effects.
::: timeline Beta3.4.10: 2023-02-14Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause Canvas malfunctions, leading to a series of related UI anomalies.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause some map text to be obscured by the base map.Optimize the minimum opacity of pins.Optimize the shortcut key tips for Overlay Mode.Optimize pin opacity slider.Optimize the slider interaction logic, now allowing input values manually.Add a confirmation popup before opening the webpage.
::: timeline Beta3.4.9: 2023-02-12Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause abnormal UI scaling of pins after data update.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause some map text to be obscured by the base map.
::: timeline Beta3.4.8: 2023-02-12Fix a {%= LLEGEND %} issue that may cause UI interactions to freeze.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause data updates to fail.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause Teleport Waypoints to be hidden after selecting, due to the "Hide 'Found' Pins" option being enabled.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where selecting Teleport Waypoints after enabling "Hide 'Found' Pins" may cause them to be hidden.
::: timeline Beta3.4.7: 2023-02-11!!Fix a {%= LLEGEND %} issue that may cause severe lag if the popup is closed before the image finishes loading when clicking on a pin not fully fixed, might be resolved in next update.!!Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where the Teleport Waypoint popup may not be able to open.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where Unusual Hilichurl may have refresh time.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where Map may unable to exit when the network connection is poor.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where unable to select other map areas after deactivating Easter Egg Mode in Golden Apple Archipelago Region.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where show/hide status of Teleport Waypoints may be incorrect during initialization.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where popup text may be incomplete while the image is loading.Add Auto Reset Refreshable Pins.Reduce delay when selecting a pin, now the selection will complete instantly, even if you are disconnected from the server.
::: timeline Beta3.4.6: 2023-02-10!!Fix a {%= LLEGEND %} issue that may cause severe lag after running for a period of time not fully fixed, might be resolved in next update.!!Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where pin status may not refresh when switching saves.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue which may unable to scroll down when there are more than 6 saves.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause the program to freeze when exiting after the Position Tracker module is loaded.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where Camera Lock may still work when it is deactivated.!!Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where popup text may incompletely displayed when loading image not fully fixed, might be resolved in next update.!!Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where Cave Entrances in Sumeru may display incorrectly when enabling Multi-Layered Mode in other map areas.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the "Delete Canvas" button may act as duplicate in non-Chinese languages.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where item filter may automatically fold when switching areas in Auto-Expand Mode.Add Save Rollback, with independent rollback for cloud and local saves.Add draggable UI.Add Show All Layers in Multi-Layered Mode.Add a new option to unbind shortcuts.Add an option to clear download cache of Position Tracker.Add a marker for downloaded version of Position Tracker.Optimize scaling logic for all popup UIs.Optimize the switching smoothness of Layered Maps and selected pins.Improve rendering efficiency.
::: timeline Beta3.4.5: 2023-01-30Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where some items may display incorrectly when first rendered.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where some items' filter types may not be repeatable.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where translation of Reset Pin button may not apply.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where unable to change display mode.Refactor the Position Tracker loading method, now it will update independently.The Position Tracker module now allows version selection.Remove Position Tracker module from the package, significantly reducing the package size.Optimize the version detection logic, now will check the version before downloading resources.
::: timeline Beta3.4.4: 2023-01-29Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where unable to deselect some items.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the auto-update path may be incorrect.
::: timeline Beta3.4.3: 2023-01-29This version has an issue with automatic updates. Please update the version manually!Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where underground pins in certain regions may not display underground marker.
::: timeline Beta3.4.2: 2023-01-28This version has an issue with automatic updates. Please update the version manually!!!Update the independent auto-update for Position Tracker Postponed.!!Update Layered Map for Desert of Hadramaveth Thanks to "Teyvat Map Institute" for providing Layered Map of underground areasUpdate DLL of Location Tracker.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where Teleport Waypoints may display abnormally after data update.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where icon may display as \?\.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause incorrect scaling of Teleport Waypoints when scaling UI.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where text of Safhe Shatranj may display abnormally.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause a failure in loading save, or save corruption when failed to edit saves.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause incorrect aboveground or underground state display for certain pins.!!Add fullscreen/windowed mode and a bunch of resolution settings currently unusable due to a bug, will be fixed in the next version.!!Optimize the width of sub-region selection buttons to 4 Chinese characters.Optimize the item reset logic, now will no longer reset one-time pins.Add opacity configuration options for both aboveground and underground pins.Add options to toggle show/hide cave entrances in Multi-Layered Mode.
::: timeline Beta3.4.1: 2023-01-22Update Position Tracker for Desert of Hadramaveth.Optimize visual performance of underground pins in Desert of Hadramaveth.Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue where pin counts may display as negative numbers.
::: timeline Beta3.4: 2023-01-18Update map and resources for Desert of Hadramaveth.Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue that may cause panel data to fail refreshing, leading to item counts like 413/812. Errors will now directly prompt an alert.Fix an {%= LEPIC %} issue where data refresh error may cause item count displays as 413/812. Now it will directly throw out a prompt when an error occurs.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where Waverider Anchors in Sumeru may not display.Further optimize the UI scaling logic, making UI scaling more reasonable now.Optimize the hot update resource download, now you can clear and redownload resources.Improve visual performance for underground pins, now they have special markers this also applies to all regions, including Inazuma.Optimize the texture of the zooming bar, making it a lot more clearer.Optimize the visual style of the settings button in the bottom-right corner to match the in-game design.Update Settings interface, adding numerous new options, paths, and shortcuts. For detailed content, please check the settings by clicking the top-right corner after the update.Update the Position Tracker, now supporting Genshin Impact · Cloud. !!Maybe!!
::: timeline Beta3.3: 2022-12-30Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause save data to be corrupted.
Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause the filter can not update pin data when exiting the program without saving data locally.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may prevent deselecting an item in other types when multiple item types are selected simultaneously.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause teleport waypoints to appear incorrectly in the Lore.Optimize the UI scaling logic, now the UI scaling is more reasonable. !!Though it's still hard to see the panel clearly on very low resolutions!!!!Update the Position Tracker, now supporting Genshin Impact · Cloud stability tests not passed yet, waiting for the next update.!!Optimize the height of the chest filter bar, now the chest category default displays 3 rows.Improve icon resolution.Add DLL version display for Position Tracker.
::: timeline Beta3.1.4: 2022-10-07Fix a {%= LLEGEND %} issue where continuous error with Position Tracker may cause the program to crash.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue again where the failure of pin data decompression may cause failed to enter level.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where the Overlay Mode shortcut initialization may become something strange.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue again where time calculation error that caused incorrect time calculation during automatic saving of waypoint data.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue again where time calculation may be incorrect during auto-saving pin data.Update Layered Map for Desert of Hadramaveth again.Optimized the range of Camera Lock. Now the camera will move only when the character has moved a certain distance.Optimized the interaction logic of underground areas in desert areas of Sumeru.Optimized the pin ID position and title length of pin popup.
::: timeline Beta3.1.3: 2022-10-06Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where pin data extraction error may cause unable to enter level.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where pins can not be reset when they are not displayed.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause incorrect auto-save progress display on exit does not affect progress actually.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause the Position Tracker icon to appear abnormally small.Update underground areas of desert areas of Sumeru.Add Pinned Window.Add customized shortcut for Overlay Mode.Optimize the display layer of the Oculus, so they won't be covered by other pins.Optimize the size of the Oculus, now it's much larger.Fix multiple errors with the Position Tracker, though there are still some issues with it in Controller Mode.
::: timeline Beta3.1.2: 2022-10-05Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the map may stop moving immediately if the mouse leaves the window before the movement is fully completed.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause incorrect status when showing or hiding pins.Update Position Tracker for Controller Mode and reduce crashes during tracking.Add an "Folded" option to item filter panel, now clicking on it will cycle through three states. And we also optimize the toggle descriptions.Optimize the data update logic, now it will update silently and load manually.Optimize the data storage format for faster download speeds and update times.Fix an issue where selecting pins may have a delay, now the maximum delay will be no more than 1 second.Fix the issue where pressing Alt+M may cause the mouse to click on the desktop. uncertain about whether it has been fixed
::: timeline Beta3.1.1: 2022-10-01Update Position Tracker for Great Red Sand.Update Layered Map for Great Red Sand.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause save failure after data update.Add a new mode to the Position Tracker to address positioning failures.Improve the accuracy of the Position Tracker.Optimize the bottom-right settings, now they can be collapsed.Add Auto OculusAdd Camera Lock
::: timeline Beta3.1: 2022-09-28Update map and resources for Great Red Sand.Update Layered Map for Great Red Sand.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the initial state of underground areas may be abnormal.Optimize the screenshot logic, only the selected region will be captured now to reduce performance overhead.
::: timeline Beta3.0.2: 2022-09-06Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where the size of arrow may be incorrect after zooming when it is outside of the tracking area.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause Auto Save may not copy the local save when first logged in. Now, when creating a new save, it will ask whether to copy save from the local save or not before logging in.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where certain devices may unable to use Position Tracker fixed, if it still doesn't work, try updating your graphics drivers and restarting the map client.Optimize the Position Tracker, now it supports 2560×1080 ultrawide monitors.Optimize the readability of description text of the option "Hide 'Found' Pins".Optimize the scrolling speed of scrollbar.
::: timeline Beta3.0.1: 2022-09-02Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where the jump button outside the auto-tracking area may display incorrectly.Add a option to toggle Layered Map. Thanks to "Teyvat Map Institute" for providing Layered Map of underground areasUpdate Position Tracker for all regions including Sumeru, The Chasm · Underground Mines and Enkanomiya! only tested the performance at 1920×1080 resolutionOptimize cooldown of cancelling data update, now the interval will increase exponentially.Optimize the readability of the popup text when overwriting saves.
::: timeline Beta3.0: 2022-08-24Update map and resources for Dharma Forest.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where unable to select pins after data update.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where item count may incorrect.Pin descriptions are now available for Teleport Waypoint.
::: timeline Beta2.9: Postponed…
::: timeline Beta2.8: 2022-07-23Warning! Previous versions may unable to update to this version automatically. If you encounter this issue, please manually download the update package!Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where item information may not synchronized when switching from the web version to the client.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause Map Screenshot malfunctions.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where auto-update may not work.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where data update may not update images and texts.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where certain translations may not apply.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where pin video button may disappear.Optimize the pin ID information storage, now use the new ID.Turn a mysterious bug into a new feature, popups can now be scaled by scroll wheel!
::: timeline Beta2.7.5: 2022-07-20Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause item selection error when updating data while switching to other maps without selecting any item after launching Map.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where item count may not decrease after pin auto-refresh.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause translation errors when switching regions and languages after data update.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where data update may unable to update new items.Optimize the selection effects for the four islands in the Golden Apple Archipelago region.Add tooltip for island switching in the Golden Apple Archipelago region.Add tooltips for pins that are not in the correct island state.This version is unable to automatically update due to some issues. Please update manually! This issue does not affect those who updates automatically from version 2.7.3 or earlier, nor those using overwrite installation.
::: timeline Beta2.7.4: 2022-07-19Fix a {%= LEPIC %} issue where pins may appear in incorrect locations on operating systems with different language settings.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where certain pins may not display due to network issues in the Golden Apple Archipelago region.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where the program may freeze after data update same as in version 2.7.2, but triggered in a different circumstance.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the base map text in Japanese may appear as a white box.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause translation errors after switching region.Optimize the data download logic, now it will retry up to 5 times.This version is unable to automatically update due to some issues. Please update manually! This issue does not affect those who update automatically from version 2.7.3 or earlier, nor those using overwrite installation.
::: timeline Beta2.7.3: 2022-07-17Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where updating data without switching maps after startup may cause item selection errorFix a {%= LRARE %} issue where the program may freeze after data update.
::: timeline Beta2.7.2: 2022-07-16Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause treasure chests not to highlight when switching island forms first and then filtering for chests.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where chests may not highlight when selecting chests after switching island forms for the first time.Revert Position Tracker DLL to previous version. Will be updated again after tests are completed.
::: timeline Beta2.7.1: 2022-07-15Addressed a bunch of issues.
::: timeline Beta2.7: 2022-07-15Update map and resources for Golden Apple Archipelago region.Refactor code logic.Addressed a bunch of issues.Add various of new features.Significantly optimize the program's smoothness, now it runs smoothly even at full load.Improve backend efficiency, now the program won't consume much GPU even when running in the background with Background Suspension disabled.Attempted to fix the C+error in the Position Tracker."Methods" and "Quality" of chests can be selected simultaneously.Dragonspine is now split off from Mondstadt as a new region.Certain pins is now related to multiple items, selecting one will select all.Increase the startup speed by 200%! Pin loading speed is now 1000% faster, completing in an instant!!!Add a new feature that may encounter Geo purgatory while launching Map.!!!!Add a bunch of issues.!!
::: timeline Beta2.6.1: 2022-04-03Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where the region selection may be unavailable when opening the client for the first time.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause auto-update malfunctions.Increase the client request limit to 2 million.
::: timeline Beta2.6: 2022-03-11!!Add unexpected new features to the code.!!Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause an initialization error when double-clicking "Click to Enter". !!not fixed yet, but will definitely be fixed next time well, actually it's fixed now; if not, please run the updater to update manually!!Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where a continuos "Failed to obtain server version" state may prevent entry. Now, clicking on "Retry" will switch resource server and try again.Known a {%= LRARE %} issue that prevents this version from running auto-update. Please update manually.
::: timeline Beta2.5: 2022-02-16Update map and resources for Three Realms Gateway Offering.Update Position Tracker for Tsurumi Island.Add resource hot update logic !!Also introduced numerous unknown issues!!Fix an issue where saves may be overwritten. !!maybe!!Optimize the image resource display mode.Optimize loading page.Make minor adjustments to some UI elements.
::: timeline Beta2.4: 2022-01-05Update map and resources for Enkanomiya.Add Map Screenshot.Add numerous tooltips and a toggle for displaying tooltips.Improve Canvas operation experience by adding canvas editing interface.Fix a {%= LEPIC %} issue where certain line segments may disappear after completing route drawing and relaunching Map.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where abnormal filter restoration may cause an operation lag.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where deleting anchors may cause anomalies when using Canvas.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may trigger incorrect log outputs when drawing lines on the Canvas.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause error log outputs of line segments of the Canvas.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where "Add Canvas" text may not display.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may inadvertently mark pins upon releasing CtrlRMB during Batch Selection.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where Random Event and World Quest pins may display abnormally in Mondstadt.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the map may fail to load under certain circumstances.Optimize the effect where clicking on an empty map, now it won't generate an unclear click box.Optimize line drawing feature, now clicking on a POI pin while editing a line segment will pass the POI coordinates into the line.Optimize the display of selected items, now the delete icon only appears when hovering over them.Optimize the size of the region selection buttons to make them easier to click.Optimize translation system, now translations will be updated automatically.Optimize map resources to improve fluency.Add translation coverage to the language selection.
::: timeline Beta2.3: Postponed…
::: timeline Beta2.2: 2021-10-13Update map and resources for Tsurumi Island.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause font errors on Esperanto.
::: timeline Beta2.1.3: 2021-09-10Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue where the program may unable to restore from the system tray when it is minimized.Optimize map data update logic, now a popup will automatically appear when data updates are detected.Optimize the filter auto-expand logic, now it will automatically collapse after a period of time when the mouse leaves the program.Optimize the region selection logic, so the issue which unable to find Watatsumi Island, Seirai Island should no longer reoccur.Optimize popup style when update fails, making it more elegant.
::: timeline Beta2.1.2: 2021-09-03Update Position Tracker for Watatsumi Island, Seirai Island.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue where a small floating window may appear when switching applications by using Alt+Tab.Fix a {%= LRARE %} issue that may cause the floating window to flicker erratically, and the map may reopen unexpectedly after a certain period when it is closed by using Alt+M.Fix a {%= LNORMAL %} issue that may cause the pin popup to be penetrated while viewing guide videos, allowing user to interact with pins underneath.