Genshin Interactive Map is a MulanPSL-1.0 open-source project, it is completely free itself and AD-free. As the user base and the scope of our project grows, development and maintenance also incur rising costs. You can support the development and maintenance of Genshin Interactive Map through the following ways:
One-time Contribution
We accept one-time contributions through the following channels:
Sponsor Acknowledgement
Personal Sponsors
If you are a fellow Traveler and appreciate the efficiency our map offers, consider supporting us financially - think of it as you are buying us soda or hair treatment. 😃

Sponsor Organizations
Sponsor Organizations can gain increased exposure in the Genshin Interactive Map community by supporting us, expanding their reach to more Genshin Impact players
Do not contribute large amounts if you are underaged, please reach out to us if there is any question.